Planning Content for OFFSET 2020

Earlier this year, we announced our partnership with OFFSET for the second year running. Along with designing all branding, online communications, the OFFSET newspaper and eventually the full event video, one element of this partnership that allows us to spread the word about Ireland’s largest creative event to the masses is social media. We spoke to the team behind the social content and how important it is to build a robust content plan for such a big event.

Q: Zoe, as the Director of Social, what needs to be considered when mapping out the social content?

A: This will be my fourth (maybe fifth?!) year working on social media content for Offset and over the years it’s become more evident that social and digital media can no longer be an afterthought. It’s needs to be up there with other communication avenues and essentially, it needs to be the backbone to your marketing mix.

The way in which online audiences consume and engage is constantly changing and in a world where these audiences can scroll up to the length of a football pitch every day (hello carpal tunnel damage!) you need to create visually appealing content that demands attention.

Each year, people from around the globe travel to attend Offset, so that’s another thing we consider when planning content. Small things such as trackable links, swipe ups, scheduling content at key engagement times and hours of the day that appeal to other time-zones – these are the building blocks to creating a robust, best-in-class content strategy and plan.

Q: Eadaoin, you manage all social content for McCann Dublin and Offset. How do you plan content for multiple platforms and audiences?

A: For this year’s social media campaign we really focused on targeting the right audience on the right platform. Our Instagram audience is slightly younger, so we focused on speaking directly to students and recent grads using engaging and playful content and opening the floor for questions, all of which were covered on Instagram stories.

FacebookLinkedIn and Twitter connected to our wider professional audience, so we needed to switch up the tone of voice and stuck to the facts and information around Offset. On a weekly basis, we continuously monitor analytics and social data insights, that allow us to keep informed in terms of key publishing days and times.

We know audiences engage differently on each platform, so post frequency was a key element within the content strategy. Social media algorithms favour consistency and engaging content, so this is something we need to maintain throughout to ensure our posts reach hit to top of our followers feeds.

For updates on Offset 2020 speakers, workshops and much more, keep an eye on social media, or visit

David Wall

David Wall is the Design Director at McCann Dublin with over 10 years of experience in creating innovative designs that captivate audiences and drive business success. With a strong background in graphic design and brand strategy, David brings a unique vision to every project. He is passionate about helping small businesses carve out their space in competitive markets by building distinct and memorable brands. In addition to his work at McCann, David is a frequent speaker at industry events and enjoys sharing insights into the future of design and branding.

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